Floating Farm Rotterdam

Even though we did not start the construction of the first Floating Farm until 2018, the idea of growing food on water and closer to cities came in 2012. Urbanization, digitalization and the growing population further highlighted the need for an innovative approach to farming.
Form the moment the first cows arrived on the farm and today, we had a great journey with so many people and cities all around the world’.
1. First, we went through a phase of global coverage, with delegations from all over the world visiting the farm on a daily basis.
2. As of 2020, due to the Corona pandemic, we changed our business model from Business to Business into Business to Consumer platform. We build a consumer sales platform, including Supply Chain Management, to directly service the city-consumers in a brand new store at the farm and from our brand-new webstore. We expect the Business to Busines channel back in 2021.
3. In 2021 we will open our second Floating Farm, just next to the first one in the Port of Rotterdam. This farm will be specialized in chickens and vegetables.
We started in Rotterdam, where 90% of the city lies below sea level. Floating development is a strong element in The Netherlands and especially in the (port) city of Rotterdam. Besides our first Floating Farm in the world, the city hosts floating houses, a floating pavillion and a floating forest. The new Global Center on Climate Adaptation is also built on water in the city of Rotterdam and will be openen in 2021. Together we’re working to a new, climate adaptive and more resilient future.
The advantages
Local challenges
Our impact
Land scarcity
A Floating Farm can produce products in places where farmland is not directly availabe and ready.
A Floating Farm mitigates the negative impacts of disasters on food supply chains (e.g. floodings)
Food waste
A Floating Farm avoids food waste by producing and selling locally. Local by-products can be used again.
Carbon footprint
A Floating Farm does not rely on long and eco-unfriendly transportation paths.
A Floating Farm educates people on the value of food, innovative farming and urban agriculture.
A Floating Farm changes our conception of farming by using automation and technology.
The construction
The innovative construction can be customized to accommodate different production types depending on need. For example, the construction of the first dairy farm has three levels:
1. The first level is home for 31 cows that produce 600 litres of milk daily;
2. The second level is used for manure and dairy processing and storage;
3. The third, underwater level hosts water filtering technologies.
The production
Floating Farm is a high-tech example of circular agriculture. The production at the farm is high-tech and sustainable:
1. Rainwater is accumulated and filtered for the cows to consume;
2. Manure is collected, processed and sold as fertilizer;
3. Feed for the cows comes from the city (grass, beer broth, potato peels);
4. Floating solar panels supply energy to the farm.
The cows
The cows of Floating Farm are Maas-Rijn-IJssel (MRIJ) cows. We believe animal welfare is very important on the farm, so we ensure that our cows lack nothing. A manure robot cleans the stable continuously. The cows determine when they want to be milked by choosing to go to a milking robot. They have fresh water available 24/7 and a playground that they can use whenever they please.
In collaboration with our esteemed partner Easyfix, we try to give our cows the best care and attention. Achieving this target requires an addaptional and innovative way in redesigning the livelyhood for our cows.
At the Floating Farm we use for example the Easyfix beds specially designed for cows that can be adapted to individual wishes and desires for each cow. Flexible materials make sure our cows cannot harm themself and raise the comfort levels among our cows. We also use other products within the Easyfix product line to optimize our process and make sure that our cows, employees, volunteers and curious customers can safely be at the first floating farm in the world.
The products
Fresh, Fair &
The products, which now include milk, yogurt and butter, are prepared according to traditional methods, with passion and natural ingredients only. Our products have been widely appraised by local consumers and businesses for their high quality, freshness and rich flavor. We have processed our manure into organic fertilizer to feed cities parks and plants.
Our products are distributed through:
- Our shop at the Floating Farm
- Connected retailers
- Local businessen
- Our webshop