Floating Farm develops self-sufficient farms on water to improve the resiliency of cities globally

Our story
Where it
When hurricane Sandy hit New York in 2012, the entire city was running out of fresh food within days. Relying on thousands of food trucks every day, the food supply chain was shattered when flooding happened, and trucks could not come into the city anymore. During that moment, we started observing how the resiliency of major cities is increasingly threatened by long food supply chains and by the fact that production is taking place further away from consumers. We also realized that if we want to achieve long-term resilience and sustainability of all cities, big and small, we have to further explore localization.
From idea
To action
With localization in mind, we decided to focus our attention on building food production facilities on water. Historically, water proximity has been an important factor for people’s settlements. As a result, many cities are currently built close to water, which presents a big opportunity for floating development of food production facilities. We built the first self-sufficient dairy farm in the old part of the Rotterdam port with the goal of supplying top quality dairy products to local consumers and educating the city population on food production.
Where we
are now
Today we are a substantial production ficility with our dairy including innovation and education. Every day, we explore new ways of producing better quality food close to consumers, for example by testing different techniques of growing vegetables on water. At the same time we welcome visitors from all over te world with many different objectives: city designers, ministers, farmers, students, consumers an many more. All of our visitors are eager to learn more about how food is produced and how they can contribute to a more sustainable way of food production and creating more liveable cities.
Floating Farm emphasizes scalability and customization and the dairy farm is just the beginning of our journey to better local food supply chains. To showcase how easily adaptable a Floating Farm can be we are building a second farm for eggs and vegetables. The possibilities for food production and innovation is endless. The Floating farm can be taylormade with a variety of foodproducts and is at the same time extremely scalable. The modularity of our concept on the water is one of the strategic advantages compared to landbased buildings.

Your contribution
Due to the long food supply chains, we are facing several main challenges: resilience and sustainability.
1. The resilience problem comes from the fact that any disturbance to the transportation system can cause major food shortage. With climate change, the risks of extreme weather, floods, disruptions have become even more persistent.
2. The sustainability problem comes from the fact that long food supply chains have a large environmental footprint caused by transportation CO2 emissions, food waste during transportation, low transparency in the supply chain.
3. Due to long transportation and far away production facilities the city-consumer has lost any awareness on healthy food production.
4. Because of the long transport ‘food-miles’ products are supplied with all kind of additives to maintain a longer shelf-live. We all now that this is not improving our health. At Floating Farm we go back to honest, fresh, organic products without all additives. We produce close to the consumers without the necessity of long shelf-live products.
By starting a Floating Farm, you can make your contribution to solving these challenges. Resilience and sustainability go hand in hand when it comes to the Floating Farm’s approach to climate adaptation.
1. The Floating Farm achieves the resiliency goal by building facilities that are adaptable to a changing climate. Additionally, by shortening food supply chains, empowering local producers, and producing locally a food availability is less prone to disruptions.
2. In addition to increasing resilience, Floating Farm contributes to the global sustainability agenda. The structure and activity of the farm has a direct or indirect positive impact on 17 UN Sustainable Development Goals.
Development Goals
The future
At Floating Farm we have an eye on the future, for everyone. Having the ability to make a positive impact on our (in)direct environment, is a privilege we want to work on.
In collaboration with local authorities, businesses and organisations we continuously work on improving the way we operate as well as the community around. We mapped our impact on the Sustainable Development Goals and identified the direct and indirect impact a Floating Farm has on the global sustainability agenda. Have a look at our SDG’s, and please reach out to us for more information and elaboration.
No poverty
Floating Farm shortens supply chains and builds the resilience of vulnerable communities to floods and changing climate, by encouraging local productions and consumption
Zero hunger
Floating Farm aspires to bring food to people that do not have direct or indirect access to fertile soil for agriculture or conditions for farming. A solution for an adaptive climate.
Good health and well-being
Floating Farm is circular and through that, it prevents water contamination, soil, and other ecosystems and helps prevent deaths and illnesses related to hazardous waste.
Quality education
The Floating Farm has an educational function by growing consumer awareness of sustainable food production and food consumption. This is on a local and worldwide scale.
Gender equality
At the Floating Farm, we reduce and minimize the need for labour heavy work at the farm and empowers all genders equally to participate in food production.
Clean water and sanitation
The Floating Farm contributes to water use efficiency by collecting, processing, and re-using waste and rainwater to sustain its operations. A high water quality around the farm is maintaned.
Affordable and clean energy
The Floating Farm uses renewable energy sources and
minimizes greenhouse gas emissions by using electric vehicles for transportation and delivery of products. Constant optimalization process.
Decent work and economic growth
The Floating Farm runs on a small group of employees, and an amazing group of volunteers. We maintain a diverse, positive, exiting and educational workplace for ourself and the everyone around us.
Industry innovation and infrastructure
Floating Farm increases resource use efficiency by being circular and relying on innovative technology and innovation from experts all around the world. Embracing growth and opportunities.
Reduced inequalities
The Floating Farm tries to be a educational and example hub for people all around the world. We believe in the possibilities of Floating Farms all around the world to renew the world.
Sustainable cities and communities
Floating Farm is particularly resilient to floods and
water-related disasters and substantially decreases the direct economic losses caused by disasters.
Responsible production and consumption
Floating Farm avoids resource waste by reuses cow manure, collect rainwater and by-products from the city as a food. We combat food waste and optimize the local supply chain.
Climate action
We strengthen resilience of food supply chains by producing and selling locally. We want to be a pioneer in the modern world of food production and try to be a part of a healthy world.
Life below water
Floating Farm does not negatively impact any of the
marine basins and instead leads to their efficient use for other purposes. We keep moules under our farm to upkeep the water quality.
Life on land
Floating Farm helps mitigate land degradation by moving exhaustive farming practices on water. We also strive to have a nice land-based outlet for our cows what they can enjoy at their own pace.
Peace, justice and strong institutions
By contributing to all the other SDGs, the Floating Farm
helps minimalize violence and conflicts due to resource and food scarcity, disasters, and missing opportunities locally and worldwide.
Partnerships for the goals
Floating Farm strives to build sustainable and strategic
partnerships with local community's, governments, UN agencies, and NGOs globally to maximize outreach and impact.
Partnerships for the goals
Floating Farm strives to build sustainable and strategic
partnerships with local community's, governments, UN agencies, and NGOs globally to maximize outreach and impact.
Zero hunger
Floating Farm aspires to bring food to people that do not have direct or indirect access to fertile soil for agriculture or conditions for farming. A solution for an adaptive climate.
Quality education
The Floating Farm has an educational function by growing consumer awareness of sustainable food production and food consumption. This is on a local and worldwide scale.
Industry innovation and infrastructure
Floating Farm increases resource use efficiency by being circular and relying on innovative technology and innovation from experts all around the world. Embracing growth and opportunities.
Sustainable cities and communities
Floating Farm is particularly resilient to floods and
water-related disasters and substantially decreases the direct economic losses caused by disasters.
Climate action
We strengthen resilience of food supply chains by producing and selling locally. We want to be a pioneer in the modern world of food production and try to be a part of a healthy world.
Partnerships for the goals
Floating Farm strives to build sustainable and strategic
partnerships with local community's, governments, UN agencies, and NGOs globally to maximize outreach and impact.
No poverty
Floating Farm shortens supply chains and builds the resilience of vulnerable communities to floods and changing climate, by encouraging local productions and consumption
Good health and well-being
Floating Farm is circular and through that, it prevents water contamination, soil, and other ecosystems and helps prevent deaths and illnesses related to hazardous waste.
Gender equality
At the Floating Farm, we reduce and minimize the need for labour heavy work at the farm and empowers all genders equally to participate in food production.
Clean water and sanitation
The Floating Farm contributes to water use efficiency by collecting, processing, and re-using waste and rainwater to sustain its operations. A high water quality around the farm is maintaned.
Affordable and clean energy
The Floating Farm uses renewable energy sources and
minimizes greenhouse gas emissions by using electric vehicles for transportation and delivery of products. Constant optimalization process.
Decent work and economic growth
The Floating Farm runs on a small group of employees, and an amazing group of volunteers. We maintain a diverse, positive, exiting and educational workplace for ourself and the everyone around us.
Reduced inequalities
The Floating Farm tries to be a educational and example hub for people all around the world. We believe in the possibilities of Floating Farms all around the world to renew the world.
Responsible production and consumption
Floating Farm avoids resource waste by reuses cow manure, collect rainwater and by-products from the city as a food. We combat food waste and optimize the local supply chain.
Life below water
Floating Farm does not negatively impact any of the
marine basins and instead leads to their efficient use for other purposes. We keep moules under our farm to upkeep the water quality.
Life on land
Floating Farm helps mitigate land degradation by moving exhaustive farming practices on water. We also strive to have a nice land-based outlet for our cows what they can enjoy at their own pace.
Peace, justice and strong institutions
By contributing to all the other SDGs, the Floating Farm
helps minimalize violence and conflicts due to resource and food scarcity, disasters, and missing opportunities locally and worldwide.